Fighting Cancer

Produce with a Purpose is not going to tell you how to cure cancer, which doctor has the right treatment for you, or what is going on inside your body. That would really be inappropriate. The one thing we will encourage you to do is to actively engage, to inform yourself and look into alternative options, and to give yourself the most positive and strong environment that you can create. Question standard responses, and explore all options. Take charge of your own journey. Gather your info and resources, and gather your support team. Do it now, while you are strong and thinking clearly and optimistically.

But most  directly, Produce with a Purpose can put two things in your hands to support you: fresh food and helpful information.

The fresh food is there for cancer-fighting phytochemicals, excellent nutrition, stupendous flavor and energy, all without chemical fertilizers or pesticides, additives, preservatives or other unhelpful nonsense that is just not what you need right now. You are fighting some nasty cells – why make your body work any harder than it has to?

Upgrading your food and your knowledge is a starting point, meant  to support you in your search for the best basis for your decision-making. You have many more options than simply chemo, surgery or radiation. You have your whole life to consider. Hopefully some of the resources here will help you become your own best advocate.

Please click here for different glossaries of terms related to cancer and nutrition.

For our members, we provide

  • Recipes
  • Resources
  • News and Articles
  • Our Own Libraries:
    • Produce with a Purpose – learn how each plant food has benefits for fighting or preventing cancer, managing diabetes, and other aspects of wellness. Links to recipes and phytochemical libraries.
    • Phyto-library – learn about the plant medicines, how they help you, and which plants have them. Links to the produce library.